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Manage Policy

  • How does an insurance carrier ensure that any changes made on the Manage Policy System are also made in the insurance carrier's system?


    It is the carrier's responsibility to maintain the data in their own systems. The Manage Policy export feature can be used to create a file in a WCPOLS format of accepted transactions. This file can be used for record-keeping purposes and/or storage in the carrier's system.

  • Is the Manage Policy System intended to be a replacement for CDX?


    No, the system is not intended to be a replacement for CDX. MWCIA will continue to accept submissions from CDX.

  • Can the Manage Policy System be used to maintain data for states other than Minnesota?


    No, the system is not designed to maintain transactions for states other than Minnesota. Only data pertaining to Minnesota will be retained. Minnesota collects only limited information for other states, such as 3A state premiums.

  • How do I write a Minnesota policy?


    1. See the WCIO Workers Compensation Data Reporting Handbook for instructions on how to report policies and procedures for filing electronically.
    2. See the MWCIA Manage Policy System User Guide for information on how to manually enter transactions.

  • How do I verify that my transaction was accepted?


    You may search for a transaction on the Transaction Search tab. The status of the transaction will indicate if it has been accepted, rejected, or is still pending. If the transaction has errors or warnings, you may open the transaction and click on the Errors tab to view the errors.

    To check on the status of a submission, you may search for the submission on the Submission Search tab.

    You may also search for errors on the Letters/Errors screen. Please note that only transaction errors may be found here, not submission errors. Also, error search results will include errors for current transactions only, based on issue date. For further information, please see the Manage Policy User Guide.

  • What is the Manage Policy System and how will it help me?


    The Manage Policy System is a MWCIA web application that requires member carriers to review the electronic policy data and errors they have reported to the MWCIA. Click here for more details.